Vastu Tips For Bedroom,Vastu tips for bedroom in English

Vastu Tips For Bedroom

Vastu Tips For Bedroom

Vastu Remedy: Some such things should not be kept in the bedroom, unrest increases

The bedroom is an important part of the house. There are some rules about bedroom in Vastu which are always followed by happiness, prosperity and peace at home. Many times the bedroom is not a place of peace due to ignoring the rules of Vastu. Due to this, there is suffocation, tension and infighting among the members of the household. According to Vastu's rule, the direction of things, color of walls, mirrors, toilets, furniture, etc. should be in the right place in the bedroom.

1) Keep things in mind - According to Vastu there should not be a mirror in the bedroom, if it is, then keep it covered while sleeping.

2) The bedroom should not contain things like brooms, dirty clothes, shoes. It is advisable to keep them in the store room.

3) The furniture in the bedroom should not be of iron and arched, crescent or circular in shape.

4) Lighting in the bedroom should always come from the back or left side.

5) The bed should not be very close to the bedroom door. If this happens, there will be disturbance and anxiety in the mind.

6) It is always better to sleep on the bed with the head facing towards the south and the feet towards the north.

 7) Never accidentally put items like junk or garbage under the bed.

8) Don't forget to put pictures of disturbance etc. in the room. Putting a picture of the couple's marriage in the room enhances mutual love.

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